The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) at Kennesaw State University provides leadership, support and advocacy of initiatives designed to enhance learning through teaching and scholarship. CETL cultivates an institutional culture that encourages, values, and rewards ongoing professional development that advances faculty effectiveness.
Design Concept The concept behind this design was to give the site a warm, open and more personable look while staying inline with the University standards. I am also a big sucker for elements that have some sort of dept so you will notice that the navigation menu bar wraps around the page. The executive director of the center emphasized the importance of "putting faces to names", so you will notice the amount of pictures used for navigation and featured faculty awards.
Features -User Profiles: It was important to develop a system that would all users to keep track of their historical data, such as events attended, awards received along with the ability for users to update their own user pictures and bios. To make sure profile images would be perfectly cropped we used the Image JavaScript Crop Module to allow for pinpoint cropping.
-Advanced Sorting: With their being so much content such as events, the teaching conference and journals database, I built customized views to all the filtering by taxonomy tags.
-Sub Sites / Sections Each staff has an area of focus that they needed the ability view only their events or content specific to their group. I decided to go with the Organic Groups module here to allow for advanced user permissions and to also have various pieces of content automatically post to the correct section (events, news, resources etc.).